Sunday, September 18, 2016

Momma Society 6 Splurges Project Exercise

Since I have been actually taking a small amount of time daily to work on my body, it is very fitting that this is the category for this weeks Society6 picks.
For years I have not payed attention to my body and shape.  Even recently I have used exercise as a time to clear my head more than caring about my physical appearance.  Although I am humbled to what I will always look like, I really want to feel strong.  So I have been working hard on trying to restore my momma body to a strong body.  I am swimming again, doing my always favorite yoga and walking.  I feel stronger and my mind is clearer when I get a chance to move my body.  I have never been the mom that has to exercise, it has always taken a backseat(like way back almost trunk of car to be honest)I do my yoga when I need to find me.  Yoga has been my tried and true now for the better part of 15 years.  So it makes sense to why this weeks pics are yoga goods.

 Here we have it, the stuff that any momma of any pay scale can splurge on.

Black is my new love, but these are fun for a day when you need a little pick me up!
I'm a long sleeve girl when doing yoga, I seem to get cold when we are doing poses less intense.  I also hate having my arms on cold wood floors.  I am not for patterns, or printed sayings in my everyday wardrobe but for some reason when doing yoga I like to express myself more.  This is cute one I must admit!

For water, phone, keys and goodies...


 If your like me your a tea drinker before or perhaps APRES.

Now it all could be loud as an ensemble, but regardless these are darling little items that will make you excited to go to yoga.....
Hope you explore Society6 my household is loving it.
 Support artists, and tread lightly.

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