Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Fall Y'all

Fall is when my favorite bounty is bountiful, so I thought I would share some of my favorite recipes for what I do with the abundant amount of persimmons, and pumpkins.  I know that they are played out, but I don't care.  I am a pumpkin gal, I have been known to make a whole lot out of pumpkins when the season is right.  I also splurge on one pumpkin latte a year, as well as buy all those ridiculous pumpkin flavored things such as pumpkin beer (Ummm yummmmm) and just a tip this is the best pumpkin beer ever created in all the world  

I also have been known to buy a pumpkin candle and pumpkin oatmeal, yeah I like pumpkins...  Pumpkins smell good and are cute and good for you, that is my story and I am sticking to it ;) 

So let's do this, first stop on our fall fruit and veggie list is Persimmons...

Why Persimmons for skin care:

Persimmons contain health benefiting phyto-nutrients flavonoid poly-phenolic anti-oxidants like catechins and gallocatechins as well as important anti-tumor compound betulinic acid. Catechins are known to have anti-infective, anti-inflammatory and anti-hemorrhagic (prevents bleeding from small blood vessels) properties.  It has been used for centuries in many face treatments!  Said to help reduce dark circles, little veins in nose as well as ward of skin cancer and tumors on the face!  

Antibacterial activity has also been displayed by this astringent fruit. Persimmon exhibits rapid antibacterial effects at low concentrations against Listeria monocytogenes and Vibrio parahaemolyticus, both of which cause food-borne infections. This activity is ascribed to the polyphenolic components in the persimmon fruit.

Persimmon Spice Face Peel 
1 persimmon (washed, cut and mashed)
2 small teaspoon of lemon juice
a few drops of olive oil
1/4 teaspoon unflavored gelatin( help bind the mask together an provide skin with vitamin K)
1/4 tea ground cloves or cinnamon (optional and up to you what smell you prefer)

Mix all the rest of the ingredients. Warm up the combination in a microwave for a few seconds, or stove top.   Check temperature before applying to face, to avoid burning skin.  Leave it on your skin for 15 minutes (or until dry) then gently peel the mask off your face. Wash your skin with lukewarm water and apply moisturizer.

Why Pumpkins for skin care:

Pumpkin contains antioxidant Vitamin A and Vitamin C to help soften and soothe the skin and boost collagen production to prevent the signs of aging.

Zinc in pumpkin seeds is brilliant for acne sufferers. Zinc will help control the hormone level and oil production, as well as assist with healing of the skin.

Pumpkin seeds are high in essential fatty acids and Vitamin E, which are necessary to maintain good barrier function of the skin. They also regulate sebum, great for an oily skin.

The molecular structure of pumpkin is small and therefore can penetrate deeper into the skin when used topically. This is amazing for treating a dull complexion, aging skin and pigmentation.

1/2 cup cooked or canned pumpkin, pureed
1/2 cup ground coffee
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

 Combine ingredients in a bowl.  Store in air tight jar and refrigerate until use!
Stand in a tub or shower stall and use a damp washcloth to scoop some of the mixture up. Apply to body, starting with your feet and working your way up, but avoiding your face. Scrub gently using circular motions.  Talk about lady luxurious,  what ya get out of this treatment is super soft skin and the scrub sloughs off the dead, dry skin cells from the nasty summer sun for fresh smooth soft fall skin!

And then there is all those feel good pumpkin and persimmon yummy recipes for fall, I hope you like them ;)

 How To Roast a Whole Pumpkin

In doing this you are saving a ton of money, it makes your house smell divine and you are ensuring that there is nothing processed in what you make with the puree!

Preheat your oven to 350F.
Rinse off the pumpkin, then use a knife to stab the hard outer shell a few times, to allow for ventilation.
Place the pumpkin in a glass baking dish, and transfer to the oven to roast for 45-60 minutes, depending on the size of your pumpkin.
The pumpkin is ready when the flesh is darker, and the skin can be easily pierced with a fork.
Cut the pumpkin in half, and allow to cool for 20-30 minutes, until cool enough to handle.
Use a large spoon to scrape out the seeds, and reserve them for another use.

The skin should peel off very easily at this point, so remove the skin and transfer chunks of the cooked pumpkin into a food processor. Blend until a smooth puree is formed! You may have to do this in batches, depending on the size of your pumpkin.

Pumpkin Brussel Sprout Soup

2 cups cleaned 1/2 ed brussel sprouts
1 small white onion sliced
1/2 can or about 1 cup of homemade pumpkin puree
2 c vegetable broth
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil

In a medium sauce pot I saute in olive oil over med/hi heat brussel sprouts 3 min, add onions, add a pinch of salt and cook until fork tender.  I then add the pumpkin puree and incorporate it with veggies.  Add vegetable broth and let soup come to a boil stirring to keep everything blended nicely and then turn burner down to a low simmer for 10-15 minutes.  When the brussel sprouts are soft take pot off heat and with a hand held blender blend soup to desired consistency, serve with hot Ciabatta bread and enjoy.  This recipe makes 4 small bowls and can be frozen for up to 3 months in air tight container. 

Roasted Pumpkin Salad
(Come and get vitamins A and C and iron)

1 1/2 lb organic pumpkin peeled and cubed
1 medium white organic onion
1/2 cup dry roasted pecans, or as many as your hearth desires
4 cups organic Arugula
1 medium lemon
olive oil
2 long rosemary sprigs
4-6 sprigs of thyme
course sea salt
fresh cracked pepper

For pumpkin preheat oven to 400, peel and cube pumpkin meat and evenly lay on parchment lined cookie sheet, coat with olive oil and add about 1 tea course sea salt and 1 tea of fresh cracked pepper... I just lay 1 sprig of rosemary and about 4 thyme sprigs on the cookie sheet, but you can chop herb up if you want. I think that the pumpkin gets the flavor just fine and it is less work to add sprigs but hey whatever dude ;) Let roast for 15-20 minutes until tender.... For dressing I like to make simple vinaigrette in the bottom of the bowl I am going to serve salad in, it makes less mess... Or you can do it in a small mason jar and dress before serving so that you can keep salad crisp... 1 medium lemon zested and juiced, and about 1/2 cup olive oil.... Whisk and add salt and pepper to taste.. I add 1 medium sliced white onion and layer that and washed organic arugula in the bowl, add the cooled butternut squash and the dry roasted pecans... I like to add the left over thyme and rosemary to salad for extra sass and flavor you can chop or just add the leaves from sprigs it looks pretty and has more bite.. Toss and serve yo!!!! I add a little vegan parm cheese for extra sass but this is a if ya got it kind of a thing, not a deal breaker....

Pumpkin 3 Seed Cranberry Bread

My great girlfriend Miss Anna gave me a recipe written on a piece of binder paper like almost 4 years ago, and now on it's last leg I had to transfer onto a recipe card so to not loose the magic.  I of course changed the recipe several times throughout the years based on the wheat allergy, and sugar aversions as well as oh yeah I don't eat eggs.  ;)  But here is my final offering in regards to pumpkin bread, but many thanks to Anna for the base...  ;) 

  • 1 c flour
  • ¾ c whole wheat flour
  • 1 c coconut sugar
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp nutmeg
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp allspice
  • ¼ tsp cloves
  • 1 c pumpkin purée
  • ½ c oil
  • 1/4 c maple syrup
  • 3 Tbsp water
  • ½ c cranberries dried
  • 3 tbs chia seeds
  • 2 tbs sunflower seeds
  • 1 tbs flax seeds
  • non stick spray ( I use the new coconut oil one they sell at trader joe's)
  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Grease and flour a loaf pan.
  3. In a large bowl, mix together all dried items except seeds and berries
  4. In a small bowl, whisk together all wet...
  5. Add wet mixture to dry; combine until just moistened.
  6. Fold in seeds and cranberries...
  7. Pour into prepared pan and bake 45-50 minutes or until top is browned and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
  8. Let cool all the way and then turn out on cooling rack

Persimmon And Greens Salad
  3 Fuyu persimmons sliced 
Juice of 1 lemon, plus more to taste
Fine sea salt
1½ tablespoons olive oil

4 cups baby arugula

Vegan Aged Nut Cheese shavings Click Below for the Magic! :)

Freshly ground black pepper
1. Trim persimmon tops and ends. If you like, use a vegetable peeler to remove skin. Halve lengthwise, then, with cut side down, thinly slice persimmons crosswise whatever size you like.  Add to Arugula and top with vegan Parmesan shavings olive oil, lemon juice salt and pepper to taste!

Because our nights and mornings are getting cooler here is the goods...

 Vegan Pumpkin Hot Coco

4 cups vanilla almond milk
1 tbs vanilla
2 tbs pumpkin puree
1/4 cup unsweetened organic cocoa powder
4 tbs coconut sugar

    Bring milk and vanilla and pumpkin to boil over medium heat whisking it.   Reduce heat, and simmer for 5 minutes.

    Whisk in cocoa vigorously until mixture is foamy, 1 to 2 minutes. Divide among mugs. Garnish with coconut milk whip and cinnamon!  Makes 8 delicious cuppas....

Earthy Persimmon Cranberry Oat Cookies

  • 1 C. Coconut Flour
  • 1½ C. Rolled Oats
  • ½ tsp. Baking Powder
  • ½ tsp. Baking Soda
  • ½ tsp. Sea Salt
  • 1 tsp. Ground Cloves
  • ½ tsp. Ground Cinnamon 
  • 1/2 tea ground Nutmeg
  • ½ C. Warm Water
  • 1 Tbsp. Ground Flaxseed (3 tbs water)  Make egg replacement
  • ¼ C. Coconut Oil (Room Temperature)
  • ½ C. Persimmon Puree
  • 1 C coconut Sugar
  • 1 Tbsp. Maple Syrup
  • 2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
  • ½ C. dried Cranberries
  • ½ C. Chopped Walnuts
  For persimmon puree take 2 lg persimmons Fuyu Persimmons if possible
and cut into halve.  Steam persimmon for 10-15 minutes and puree with hand held blender or food Mill!  Babies love it so make a bunch and the rest you can use for all your fall persimmon projects ;)
  1. In a large bowl, stir together the flour, rolled oats, baking powder, baking soda, salt, coves, nutmeg and cinnamon.
  2. Preheat the oven to 350ºF. And in a small cup, stir together the warm water and ground flaxseed and let it sit for 3 minutes.
  3. Use a electric mixer and in a separate bowl mix the coconut oil, persimmon puree, coconut sugar, maple syrup, and vanilla together.
  4. Then, add the flax/water to the wet mixture and mix together until it has an even consistency.
  5. Pour the wet ingredients into the large both with the dry and stir together. Fold in the cranberries and walnuts into the cookie dough until even distributed.
  6. Using two baking sheets coated with a very thin layer of coconut oil spray,  spoon  Tbsp.-sized mounds of dough 1" apart.
  7. Bake for 15 mins. or more if you prefer crunchier cookies.

I hope you enjoy all these lovely recipes, and just jump on board.  Pumpkins are grand, and your body won't be sad you did! Tread Lightly...

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