Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cleansing the Vegan Soul~

 Juicing is one of those trends that I must say I jumped right on board with.  For a wedding present almost 5 years ago, we were gifted an amazing juicer.  Although I have gone in and out of the habit.  The fact is I always come back..  Within the last almost 3 years it has been on the counter not collecting much dust if you know what I mean..  I am a juicing machine..  Here is why :

  For one thing, the body can quickly absorb larger amounts of nutrients from juices than from solid foods because the process of digestion that is necessary when you eat whole foods is bypassed. Raw fruits and vegetables contain many substances that enhance health, and juicing benefits the body by providing the most concentrated and readily absorbed source of these 

Another one of the major health benefits of juicing is that it is an easy way to get beneficial enzymes, which are primarily found in raw foods, into the body.  For me being someone that doesn't eat animal products this is a great benefit to me.   Enzymes in fresh fruits and vegetables have the vital role of converting food into body tissue and energy. Enzymes are also involved in metabolism, so one of the more valuable health benefits of juicing is that it can increase metabolic rate. Juicing also ensures that the body is getting sufficient amounts of phytochemicals, substances in plants that are considered among the most powerful ways to fight disease. While most people do not eat enough raw fruits and vegetables to obtain the amount of phytochemicals that would make a difference, it is relatively easy to drink enough juice to obtain sufficient amounts of these powerful nutrients. In addition, antioxidants and other immune enhancing properties are concentrated in juices. 

Juicing can therefore help to accelerate recovery from illness. In fact, juicing with specific combinations of fruits or vegetables can target particular conditions and improve or alleviate symptoms.

For those of you who read my blog you know this is not my first rant about this.  But the reason I felt it necessary to bring it up one more time (you and I know this won't be the last) ;)  is because as I type my children and husband are eating some delicious spaghetti and I once again am on a juice fast!  Inspired by my once a few year revisiting of all those feel good (being sarcastic) documentaries such as Fat sick and Nearly dead, Forks over knives, Earthlings, Engine 2, and vegucated all in one night mind you when my husband was at rehearsal the other night...  I decided that instead of 10 days my usual duration twice a year, I am going 30-60...  Now because I am not nearly dead and all that junk I might not make it to 60 but I kinda think it would be a rad accomplishment and an awakening of my sleeping self control!  So here we go day 7, my husband made it to 6 before he tapped out and I am super proud of him.   I have already got thru Rosh Hashanah and my latest trip to Neveda City near my hometown and my favorite vegan eats place and I am still going strong, so a pat on the back is being given to my ownself right now.  ;)  Here are some of my go to veggies for this time of awakening I curse myself with every year...

For me my go to concoction is beet, kale, carrot, apple juice I make enough to enjoy for two days and it is a delicious and nutritious treat... I drink it in a wine glass to feel luxurious.... ;)   Here is what all those veggies do for the body!!!!

 Kale offers, Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, fol-ate, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Just to name a few...  This bad boy is  a total super food in my book!!!

Whats it do for you?  WEEELLLL lemme break it down for you, 
cholesterol-lowering,  Risk-lowering benefits for cancer have recently been extended to at least five different types of cancer. These types include cancer of the bladder, breast, colon, ovary, and prostate. Isothiocyanates (ITCs) made from glucosinolates in kale play a primary role in achieving these risk-lowering benefits. Kale also offers support for the body's detoxification system, kale's flavonoids combine both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits in way that gives kale a leading dietary role with respect to avoidance of chronic inflammation and oxidative stress.....

How about those beets baby?  Well beets are rich in all the same vitamins as Kale as well as vitamin E, and potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and Zinc!!

In recent lab studies on human tumor cells, betanin pigments from beets have been shown to lessen tumor cell growth through a number of mechanisms, including inhibition of pro-inflammatory enzymes (specifically, cyclooxygenase enzymes). The tumor cell types tested in these studies include tumor cells from colon, stomach, nerve, lung, breast, prostate and testicular tissue. While lab studies by themselves are not proof of beets' anti-cancer benefits, the results of these studies are encouraging researchers to look more closely than ever at the value of betanins and other betalains in beets for both prevention and treatment of certain cancer types.


Carrots are perhaps best known for their rich supply of the antioxidant nutrient that was actually named for them: beta-carotene. However, these delicious root vegetables are the source not only of beta-carotene, but also of a wide variety of antioxidants and other health-supporting nutrients. The areas of antioxidant benefits, cardiovascular benefits, and anti-cancer benefits are the best-researched areas of health research with respect to dietary intake of carrots. 

 And well a apple a day keeps the doctor away so I don't have to elaborate much more on that ;0

You juice those 3 things and a few apples to make it taste a tad sweeter and you are going to be feeling just fine my friend...  That is one of my favorites to juice but boy oh boy are there more killer tasty and healthy combos out there... 

Here are a few Juice mixtures that I love:

•    1 bunch of kale
•    4 stalks of celery
•    1 cucumber
•    2 granny smith apples
•    1/2 a lemon
•    1 inch ginger root

3 organic carrots
2 organic apples
1/2 a lemon
1 small piece of ginger


•    2 large cucumbers
•    1 bunch cilantro
     1 bunch of fresh thyme
•    1 lime
•    1 cup coconut water (mix in after juicing the rest of the stuff)
juice citrus by hand and add, juicer can not juice citrus properly!!


•    1/2 head romaine (about 6 leaves)
•    1/2 head cilantro
•    1 cucumber
•    3 romaine tomatoes
     2 stalks celery
•    1/2 a jalapeno, seeds removed
•    1 clove garlic
•    1/2 small onion
•    1/2 lemon
•    small piece of ginger

•    1 apple
•    1 lime
•    1 lemon
     1 cucumber
•    1/2 cup basil
•    small handful of fresh mint leaves
juice citrus by hand and add, juicer can not juice citrus properly!!

•    1 grapefruit
•    1 green apple
•    1 head of kale
•    4 celery stalks
•    1/2 cucumber
•    1 lime
Make sure to squeeze grapefruit juice into juice mixture at the end.  The juicer doesn't juice citrus!!!

•    2 beets
•    1 large carrot or 2 medium carrots
•    1/2 a green apple
•    1/2 cucumber
•    3 celery stalks
•    1 small piece of ginger

•    2 pears
•    1 orange
•    4 cups spinach
•    1 cup basil
•    1 small piece of ginger

1 1/2 cups fresh pineapple
4 stalks celery
1/2 head kale
1 small piece of ginger

•    1 grapefruit
•    1 green apple
•    1 head of kale
•    4 celery stalks
•    1/2 cucumber
•    1 lime
     8 strawberries!!!

For more info on the veggies here is a really cool website ;

For more yummy veggie juice recipes here is a great site :

For the mother of all juicers in my eyes, this bad boy can do no wrong... Thanks again Allen family for the amazing wedding present 4 years ago... ;)

Ours is a tad older now but it is the same brand and amazing!!!

When I am rich one day I might need one of these as well;

For my children this is an amazing thing to have as well...  For a picky kid, which I have one of.  Juicing is a sure-fire way to get some veggies into her!!  Must say pretty great.. 

Hope you are inspired to juice it up, believe me you will feel the benefits almost instantly...  Have any questions please message me..  Tread lightly!!!

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