Sunday, September 15, 2013

What we have been up to while on our blog hiatus... We will be back in October ;)

 This fall I knew I was going to be a busy girl, with Doula clients due as well as Bryten starting school and soccer for her 3rd season.  We decided to take a break from posting and just hang out and be, of course we were still doing fun things at our earthy homestead so here is some pics from what we have been up to.   We will be back in October with monthly posts and new recipes to share!  We hope that everyone has a happy fall, and take the time to go play in those beautiful leaves~

 Working on our Ferments:

 Newest obsession, is now fermenting foods.  I know it was all about sprouting for a minute, but now its all about ferments and a little bit sprouting ;)  I can not handle myself..  I will be sharing my adventures in Octobers post.

But in the meantime go to the library and get this book to explore the magic


Juicing AGAIN!

 Re watched Fat sick and nearly dead so I wanted to get my body straight and I am again on a juice fast.....  This time 60 days...  Yummmm  ;)  I sure miss chewing..  But 15 days down....  Quarter of the way and I feel fit as a fiddle already.  As well as I am not craving processed foods, or tea and coffee...  I am hoping that this challenge of will power will get me mine back for good....  :)  I am only going to have a cup o cuppy (what I call a cup of coffee) once a week if that, as well as cut my wine down to only on special occasions.  Like real special occasions ;)  not my old kinds of special occasions like yay Bryten's starting school next week ;)  or yipee we should drink a whole bottle of champagne just because we are watching Great Gatsby haha ya catch my drift I assume..

Rosh Hashanah Celebrations:

 This year for Rosh Hashanah my resolutions are still abundant but I hope they are ones I can stick with....

~No FB for personal use and limit to 1 hr online a week only when girls are in bed! Blog post once a month verses usual weekly posts...  Technology no!
~Write down questions and go to library for research!
~Have a note book on me all the times!
~Write letters...
~Cut out sugar
~Cuddle more
~Cut back on processed foods for us that means not as many vegan meats and oils, vegan substitutes!
~Go to synagogue
~Try to only drive car if I am leaving Davis, or if moving things that don't fit on bike!
~Speak only positives when speaking!
~Organize and clean one area a day!  (Got idea from Pinterest...  40 day organization challenge).. So cool!
~Play more
~Exercise everyday!
~Create more!
~Smile more! Like so much lines will be inevitable! 
~Leave "would never" and "always" out of my vocabulary!  Using words such as often, Or rarely and not sure!  Or nothing at all! 
~Speak quieter, if they don't want to try to hear you they are not that interested
~And certainly NO More Swearing!!!!! LOL  So hard for me already because I literally think in swear words, like queens of comedy style... 

 L'shanah tovah

Up-cycling Fun

 We had loads of white stained clothes and we decided to reuse them....  So we had a Tie Dye Tuesday!  So much fun and way cheaper than buying Tie dye items from hippie festivals, they always charge an arm and a leg "so annoying"...  And I don't know want they are smoking since loads of the items they sell are just old white shirts as well!  :)  Just a little info for ya!  :)

 Must be fall:

 We had our annual pomegranate harvest which is so much fun and one of Bryten's favorite times of the year...

Taking a moments to contemplate:

 Love this because it reflects so much closely to how I have been feeling lately... Kind of a good reminder to just be....

Introducing the future Brown Student:

 Bryten started school, we are so happy for her.  She is at a lovely school with a wonderful teacher.  Which means for me school garden committee, PTA, and classroom helper.  Oy Vey!....

And then we have her, must be a hard job being almost 3

And for the random there is always miss Daphne falling asleep eating ice cream ....  :)  I love her! 

See ya in October, take care and tread lightly!

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